
杨林海,男,副教授,硕导。主要研究领域:风沙环境与释光年代学。先后主持或参与完成省部级以上课题6项,目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,参与执行第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究专题和中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)子课题各1项。在《Quaternary Science Reviews》、《Quaternary Geochronology》、《Quaternary Research》、《The Holocene》、《Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology》、《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》、等刊物发表论文30余篇。近期研究兴趣:干旱区关键区域的风沙活动历史和典型风沙地貌的形成演化过程。




















1.Liangqing Cheng, Linhai, Yang*, Hao Long*, Yougui Song, Xiaodong Miao, Jingran Zhang, Yubin Wu, Minwen Lan, Mengping Xie, Zhibao Dong, 2023. Milankovitchpaced South Asian monsoons during Marine 5. Global and Planetary Change 225, 104132.

2.Liangqing Cheng, Linhai, Yang*, Hao Long*, Jingran Zhang, Xiaodong Miao, Yubin Wu, Minwen Lan, Yougui Song, Zhibao Dong, 2023. Late Holocene change in South Asian monsoons and their influences on human activities in the southern Tibetan Plateau. Catena 228, 107153.

3.Liangqing Cheng, Linhai, Yang*, Hao Long*, Yougui Song, Zhong Chen, Minwen Lan, Mengping Xie, Zhibao Dong, 2023. Early Holocene dust activity variation in the southern Tibetan Plateau and its response to solar irradiance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 620, 111561.

4.Hao Long, Hongyi Cheng, Linhai Yang, Lei Gao, Qian Liu, 2020. Timing of Holocene lake highstand in Jinchang paleolake from the northeast Tibetan Plateau foreland. Geochronometria, doi: 10.2478/geochr-2020-0004.

5.Jo De Waele, Vincenzo Picotti, Mario L.V. Martina, George Brook, Linhai Yang, Paolo Forti, 2020. Holocene evolution of halite caves in the Cordillera de la Sal (Central Atacama, Chile) in different climate conditions. Geomorphology, 370, 107398.

6.Linhai Yang, Hao Long*, Hongyi Cheng, Guangyin Hu, Hanchen Duan, Hui Zhao, 2020. Historical settlement abandonment in the middle Hexi Corridor linked to human-induced desertification. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 545, 109634.

7.Linhai Yang, Hao Long, Hongyi Cheng, Zhong He, Guangyin Hu, 2019. OSL dating of a mega-dune in the eastern Lake Qinghai basin (northeastern Tibetan Plateau) and its implications for Holocene aeolian activities. Quaternary Geochronology, 49, 165-171.

8.Zhong He, Hao Long, Linhai Yang, Jie Zhou, 2019. Luminescence dating of a fluvial sequence using different grain size fractions and implications on Holocene flooding activities in Weihe Basin, central China. Quaternary Geochronology, 49, 123-130.

9.Bradley E. Suther, David S. Leigh, George A. Brook, Linhai Yang, 2018. Mega-meander paleochannels of the southeastern Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 511, 52-79.

10.Wanyin Luo, Zhongyuan Wang, Junfeng Lu, Linghai Yang, Guangqiang Qian, Zhibao Dong, Mark D. Bateman, 2018. Mega-blowouts in QinghaiTibet Plateau: Morphology, distribution and initiation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44, 449-458.

11.Yan Li, Sumiko Tsukamoto, Hao Long, Jingran Zhang, Linhai Yang, Zhong He, Manfred Frechen, 2018. Testing the reliability of fading correction methods for feldspar IRSL dating: A comparison between natural and simulated-natural dose response curves. Radiation Measurements, 120, 228-233.

12.Sumiko Tsukamoto, Hao Long, Marcus Richter, Yan Li, Georgina E. King, Zhong He, Linghai Yang, Jingran Zhang, Renske Lambert, 2018. Quartz natural and laboratory ESR dose response curves: A first attempt from Chinese loess. Radiation Measurements, 120, 137-142.

13.Linhai Yang, Tao Wang, Hao Long, Zhong He, 2017. Late Holocene dune mobilization in the Horqin dunefield of northern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 138, 136-147.

14.Hao Long, Markus Fuchs, Linhai Yang, Hongyi Cheng, 2016. Abrupt sand-dune accumulation at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau challenges the wet MIS3a inferred from numerous lake-highstands. Scientific Reports, 6, 25820.

15.Linhai Yang, Hao Long, Liang Yi, Ping Li, Yong Wang, Lei Gao, Ji Shen, 2015. Luminescence dating of marine sediments from the Japan Sea using quartz OSL and polymineral pIRIR signals of fine grains, Quaternary Geochronology, 30, 257-263.

16.Yong Wang, Hao Long, Liang Yi, Linhai Yang, Xingyong Ye, Ji Shen, 2015. OSL chronology of a sedimentary sequence from the inner-shelf of the East China Sea and its implication on post-glacial deposition history. Quaternary Geochronology, 30, 282-287.

17.Hao Long, Ji Shen, Sumiko Tsukamoto, Jianhui Chen, Linhai Yang, Manfred Frechen, 2014. Dry early Holocene revealed by sand dune accumulation chronology in Bayanbulak Basin (Xinjiang, NW China). The Holocene, 24, 614-626.

18.Guangquan Chen, Liang Yi, Hongjun Yu, Jianrong, Cao, Qiao Su, Linhai Yang, Yonghang Xu, Juyi Ge, Zhongping Lai, 2013. Testing the standardized growth curve (SGC) to OSL dating coastal sediments from the south Bohai Sea, China.  Geochronometria, 40, 101-112.

19.Zhong He, Jie Zhou, Linhai Yang, Hongming He, 2013. Holocene dune mobility and forcing mechanisms at the northern margin of the East Asian Monsoon. Acta GeologicaSinica (English Edition), 87, 1168-1178.

20.Linhai Yang, Tao Wang, Jie Zhou, Zhongping Lai, Hao Long, 2012. OSL chronology and possible forcing mechanisms of dune evolution in the Horqin dunefield in northern China since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Research, 78, 185-196.

21.Hao Long, Zhongping Lai, Markus Fuchs, Jingran Zhang, Linhai Yang, 2012. Palaeodunes intercalated in loess strata from the western Chinese Loess Plateau: Timing and palaeoclimatic implications. Quaternary International, 263, 37-45.

22.Linhai Yang, Zhongping Lai, Hao Long, Jingran Zhang, 2011. Construction of a quartz OSL standardised growth curve (SGC) for aeolian samples from the Horqin dunefield in northeastern China. Geochronometria, 38, 391-396.

23.Jingran Zhang, Yulian Jia, Zhongping Lai, Hao Long, Linhai Yang, 2011. Holocene evolution of Huangqihai Lake in semi-arid northern China based on sedimentology and luminescence dating. The Holocene, 21, 1261-1268.

24.Linhai Yang, Jie Zhou, Zhongping Lai, Hao Long, Jingran Zhang, 2010. Lateglacial and Holocene dune evolution in the Horqindunefield of northeastern China based on luminescence dating. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 296 44-51.

25.Zhong He, Jie Zhou, Zhongping Lai, Linhai Yang, Jianmin Liang, Hao Long, Xianjiao Ou, 2010. Quartz OSL dating of sand dunes of Late Pleistocene in the Mu Us Desert in northern China. Quaternary Geochronology, 5, 102-106.

26.杨林海, 赖忠平, 周杰, 隆浩, 张静然, 2011. 光释光测年和孢粉分析揭示的晚冰期以来科尔沁沙地演化过程. 地理科学, 31(2), 695-701.

27.杨林海, 周杰, 何忠, 隆浩, 2009. 国内全新世环境变化与人类活动关系研究略评. 盐湖研究, 17(2), 63-68.

28.杨林海, 周杰, 2008. 历史时期气候变化和人类活动对毛乌素地区沙漠化的影响. 干旱区资源与环境, 22(12), 128-133.

29.杨合群, 李英, 杨建国, 李文明, 杨林海, 赵国斌, 叶得金, 赵彦青, 赵建国, 沈存利, 王新亮, 苏新旭, 2006. 北山造山带的基本成矿特征. 西北地质, 39(2), 78-95.

30.杨建国, 杨林海, 任有祥, 李智佩, 宋忠宝, 2005. 北祁连山寒山金矿床成矿作用同位素地质年代学. 地球学报, 26(4), 315-320.

31.杨建国, 杨合群, 杨林海, 李文明, 李英, 2004.北山地区北东向构造对金钨锡钼(稀土)矿床控制作用初探. 大地构造与成矿学, 28(4), 404-412.